Five London Pubs
By Katherine Minski | Published on December 22, 2017
Five London Pubs

When people think of London, one thing people think of is going to a local pub and getting a pint of whatever beer is on tap. London and pubs have become so intertwined, they are often thought of as going hand-in-hand. You can’t go to London without going to at least one pub. The only issue with pubs being so popular is that the list to choose from goes on for days. To help, here are five London pubs that you should definitely check out.

1. Cittie of Yorke
This London pub dates back to the early 1400’s. The current building housing the pub is not that old but the original building was established in Edwardian times. This pub is not just one room, there are three different bars you can have a pint at. The last room is probably the most beautiful of the three. It is set up like a grand hall, it has beautiful towering ceilings and and on the side of the room there are vats stacked artistically.

5 London Pubs© John Keogh

2. The Grenadier
The Grenadier is lauded as one of the most haunted pubs in all of England. The pub was initially established in 1720 as a place for soldiers to eat and rest. The ghost that supposedly haunts this establishment was a young foot guard who was said to have been caught cheating during a game of cards. The other people in the game were so upset, they beat this young man so severely that he died. No one knows the year this occurred, but it’s thought to have happened in September because that is when all of the spooky activity tends to occur. Items have gone missing or move by themselves, people have heard footsteps and moans, sometimes there is even an extreme chill that will settle over the whole pub for days at a time.

5 London Pubs© Matt Brown

3. The Lamb & Flag
When traveling, whether to a brand new place for you or somewhere you’ve been countless times, it’s sometimes nice to get away from the crowded areas packed with tourists. In some cases in order to find a quiet place, you would have to go completely out of your way. But, The Lamb & Flag pub is smack dab in the middle of a highly populated tourist area, and allows for it’s patrons to feel as if they’ve left the hustle and the bustle.

5 London Pubs

© Kris Krüg

4. The Mayflower
On days where the weather is nice and the wind isn’t too strong, The Mayflower pub is an excellent place to go and have a drink. It sits right next to the Thames river and has a wooden deck where patrons can go to eat and drink while looking at the beautiful view. The restaurant part of the pub can be described as cozy and candlelit, making wherever you choose to sit picturesque. You can see where the ship of the same name was moored, and since this pub is the oldest pub on the Thames river it can almost feel as if you’ve gone back in time.

5 London Pubs

© Bob Walker

5. Ye Olde Mitre
While not technically in London, the Ye Olde Mitre is so close to the border of the city that you can’t tell you’ve left it. In fact, it’s even a bit difficult to find the pub itself. There’s no signage pointing out in which direction you can find it. This pub is filled with significant history. Henry VIII was married at the church next to the pub, and it’s said that Queen Elizabeth I danced around a cherry tree right outside of the pub. The pub was originally built for the servants of the Palace, but the Queen frequently visited this establishment.

5 London Pubs

© Ianan

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Cover photo © Anders Adermark

About The Writer
Katherine Minski

By: Katherine Minski | Published on December 22, 2017

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