Five Places You Would Never Think To Travel To
By Brianna Bizik | Published on September 27, 2016
Five Places You Would Never Think To Travel To

Maybe you’re a Hawaii kind of person. Maybe your idea of the perfect vacation is the routine trip to Turks and Caicos that you and your family take each year like clockwork. Maybe the thought of going anywhere without a five-star resort and white sandy beaches makes you turn up your nose. But, trust the idea that there are thousands of unique places to visit with wondrous sights to take in; places that you would never think to travel to, as well.

1. Canyonlands National Park, Utah
If you thought the Grand Canyon was the only incredible canyon in the US, you are very mistaken. The Canyonlands National Park in Utah has one up on the tourist filled Grand Canyons because you can enjoy the beautiful sights alone with nature.Visitors of the park have claimed they’ve spent nearly eight hours of heir day there without running into any more than two hikers.

Five Places You'd Never Think to Travel to© Ian D. Keating

2. The Sawtooth Mountains, Idaho
Idaho is home to much more than fields upon fields of drab potato farms. Breathtaking mountains cover the landscape due to glaciers that once adorned the area. In addition to the mountains, the glaciers left immense alpine lakes that many beautiful resort communities have made use of. Activities you can count on here are hiking, fishing, paddle boarding, white water rafting, ghost town walk-throughs, and animal watching. Elk, bighorn sheep, and mountain goats all call the Sawtooth Mountains their home.

Five Places You Would Never Think To Travel To © Steven Bratman

3. Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park, Gansu, China
Who would have through that mineral deposits gathering over the last 24 million years could result in rock formations so colorful and breathtaking. The multicolored ridges of weathered strata stand out against the greens and grays of the plain. A visit to the mirage-like scenery of this park is definitely worth the incredible photos you’ll leave with as souvenirs.

Five Places You Would Never Think To Travel To © Kashif Pathan

4. Mount Roraima, Venezuela, Brazil, and Guyana
Mount Roraima is a 31-kilometer summit in South America and is one of the oldest land formations on earth. The Pakaraima mountain chain is defined by 400 meter tall cliffs and borders Brazil, Venezuela, and Guyana. In addition, the beautiful mountain range was the inspiration for Paradise Falls in the movie “Up”.

Five Places You Would Never Think To Travel To © Tim Snell

5. Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe and Zambia
If you thought Niagara Falls was the real deal, think again. Victoria Falls, bordering Zimbabwe and Zambia is the largest curtain of water in the world. It also contains extra aspects of fun other than just staring at the massive water flow. Devil’s Pool is a swimming hole on the side of the falls that appears to be a recipe for disaster. The hole has an underwater lip that prevents swimmers from tumbling down the side, but is only accessible during the dry season from August to January. During February and March, as much as 540 million cubic meters of water fall over the edge ever single minute. Take that, Niagara Falls.

Five Places You Would Never Think To Travel To © Meraj Chhaya

About The Writer
Brianna Bizik

By: Brianna Bizik | Published on September 27, 2016

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