How to backpack properly
By Amanda Stutz | Published on May 9, 2018
How to backpack properly

Depending on the duration, time of day and weather, proper equipment needs to be brought in order to backpack properly. A daily hike will clearly require less and more simple equipment than an overnight hike. If you have sustainable equipment, you will be able to backpack properly and have a successful trip.

Bring the proper amount of food or cooking equipment
On a short hike, some common types of food that can be brought are granola bars, nuts and trail mix. A light snack will allow for more energy to complete the hike. It’s important to bring water to stay hydrated, no matter if the weather is warm or cold. If you are going on a longer hike and plan on cooking, you should plan on bringing a small Coleman propane tank, a small Coleman propane stove, matches or a lighter, a pocket knife, a cooler with ice packs, tin foil and a garbage bag. Cooking water should be brought, not normal drinking water. The same equipment should be brought if there is a provided grill, in addition to non-stick spray.

backpack properly© Brian Gautreau

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Make sure to pack a first aid kit
Unexpected situations can always occur when backpacking. Be smart and prepared with a first aid kit, since medical help can be a long distance away if you are deep into the hike. A typical first aid kit should include band-aids, tweezers, gauze, safety pins and sterile gloves.

backpack properly© Robert Thomson

Pack other safety equipment
To further ensure safety, bring a flashlight, whistle and insect repellent when backpacking. Do not rely on the light from your cell phone! When backpacking, a whistle should be brought in case you have fallen and cannot get up. This is beneficial if you have lost signal on your cell phone. Additionally, insect repellent is essential especially if you are backpacking in an area that has a lot of tall grass. Ticks are usually found in areas with tall grass, so read the labels of insect repellents and find out what insects it protects against.

backpack properly© Mike Mozart

Bring the right campfire equipment
Only bring campfire equipment when backpacking if you plan on going on a longer hike, such as backpacking several miles across the Appalachian Trail. One should bring a rack for fire and cooking tools to hold the food while cooking over a fire. As aforementioned, cooking water should be brought, not your regular drinking water.

backpack properly© Web Hamster

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Dress appropriately
Depending on the time of year, weather and difficulty of the hike, you will have to bring proper clothing to ensure comfort. If you are unsure what the weather will be like, dress in layers so that if it is too warm, you will have too much rather than too little. If the weather is not too hot or cold, take into account that you will be sweating, especially if the hike is uphill. When exploring areas that are close to Arctic temperatures, bringing gloves, a hat, scarf and obviously hiking books will allow you to backpack properly.

backpack properly© Justin Burger

About The Writer
Amanda Stutz

By: Amanda Stutz | Published on May 9, 2018

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