Travel Profile: Albert Neve
By SunCity Paradise | Published on July 27, 2016
Travel Profile: Albert Neve

Born and raised in Barcelona, Albert Neve started his music career at the young age of 15. Due to the huge success with his first productions, it came to a point where he had to focus all his attention on his music. Ever since, Albert hasn’t stop travelling, deejaying in the utmost important DJ booths across the world, producing and remixing for the most prestigious labels and artists of the moment, including David Guetta, Chuckie, Joachim Garraud, Wally Lopez or Antoine Clamaran.

His productions are supported by some of the best DJ’s of the world such as David Guetta, Armin Van Buuren, Fatboy Slim, Roger Sánchez, Laidback Luke, Chuckie, Gregori Klosman, David Tort, Wally Lopez, Antoine Clamaran, Knife Party among others. Without a doubt, Neve is currently one of the top music icons in Spain and is about to explode worldwide with his thrilling DJ sets and quality productions.

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SunCity Paradise: From entertainment to fashion, science and the arts, Barcelona is one of the most influential cultural centers in the world. Describe being from the city, as well as the vibe. What’s one aspect that really stands out to you and makes it special?

Albert Neve: Undoubtedly in my opinion to be born in Barcelona is completely different to being born anywhere in the rest of the country. Historically, since before the Romans, Barcelona has been one of the most important ports in the Mediterranean, so it has always been a meeting place of different cultures. In this context it’s easy to understand why Barcelona is a must for both travelers and artists. To live in such an environment is unique and special, something that you can’t appreciate until you reach a certain age. The energy coming from the whole city is really incredible, and there’s always a new place to visit, something different to do, or a new cultural event to enjoy … even for those who live here.

Travel Profile: Albert Neve© Michele Ursino

SCP: To constantly create music while you are traveling around the world must be such a feeling. What’s the most impactful and meaningful part you cherish about it? Does the traveling help inspirationally?

AN: No doubt, traveling has not only enriched me as a person, but through learning about other cultures has inspired me to create my new songs. Through them I always try to express my experiences. I’m referring not only to trying to capture what people can search musically speaking, but the traveling experience itself. To land at a new airport, chat with a runner, walk the streets … everything contributes when you need to express yourself through music.

SCP: How does music and travel complement and go hand-in-hand with each other?

AN: I struggled to adapt to life in movement. Almost all my tracks have been created, developed and finished in my studio, and when I started to travel very often I didn’t find the right routine that enabled me to keep producing while traveling. In my case, the spark of inspiration was not coming when I needed it to, but with patience, determination, and changing my habits, I managed to combine travelling with music production, so now I can capture and develop my ideas on-the-go, although the final touches are always made in my studio.

SCP: When searching for a personal getaway, are you looking for a serene beach or 
after a more active, adventurous getaway? Why?

AN: I don’t usually have a lot of breaks through the year, I like to stand the pressure of everyday life. But, when it reaches the necessary time to disconnect, then I look for quiet environments, far from my usual life. I’m a man who loves quiet beaches in remote places more than adventure and adrenaline. I like to relax and to rest, but it never hurts to be near enough to the possibility of adventures, just in case.

SCP: One of our core objectives at SCP is to bring people together while traveling, not only to influence people to see and appreciate our beautiful world, but to also minimize cross-cultural divides. What effect does traveling, specifically surrounding dance music, have on humans in this regard? How has it broadened your perspective of the world?

AN: Naturally, we tend to think that our small universe is the one and only, and consequently, the best. Traveling allows you to understand not only that other cultures exist, but there are other ways to understand ourselves, to express ourselves, and other peoples cultures are also just as valid or even more so than yours. Understanding these differences gives you the chance to be a better person, a better human being. I understand dance music exactly the same way. If within countries there are notable differences between the north and south, east and west, you can imagine the difference between different countries, or even different continents. Not everyone understands music the same way. Different cultures influence the way people understand music, and appreciating those differences gives you a better way to understand the world in which we live, and what our role is within it.

Travel Profile: Albert Neve© Moyan Brenn

SCP: Everyone has a list of places that they still have to hit. What are three destinations, either for work or pleasure, that you need to see? Why?

AN: The first is Japan. I love Japanese culture, their history, their way of understanding life. Either to play or for pure pleasure, it is the place I most want to visit next. The second is Iceland. I’ve dreamed for years about seeing the aurora borealis someday with my own eyes. The third could be the United States. I’d love to make a long trip to know more deeply about the different cultures of the most influential country of our time.

READ MORE: Travel Profile: Yousef

SCP: Most destinations have a festival that they’re known for, whether it’s Mardi Gras in New Orleans or Oktoberfest in Munich. Which one would you choose to attend? Why?

AN: Precisely, one of the festivals I would love to go to is the Oktoberfest. I have been to Munich several times, but always a little earlier or a little later than when the festival is on, and I couldn’t do anything but admire the immensity of the enclosure. Add to this is the number of times my German friends tell me about it and it makes me very jealous. I will make it one day!

Travel Profile: Albert Neve© S. Camelot

SCP: What is the most beautiful outdoor location that you’ve played at? How did the beauty add to the music?

AN: Tomorrowland, that’s it. I think there’s nothing that can compare to it nowadays, in terms of location, organization, and the great care taken with every detail of the festival. Just to stay there and watch the beauty of the natural environment combined with the incredible staging of the ID & T team. The festival is a pleasure no-one should miss.

SCP: When you’re relaxing on a beach or just having some down time are you listening to dance music? Or do you like to switch up the tunes? If so, to what?

AN: It’s very rare that I will listen to electronic music in that situation. Actually, I rarely listen to music when I try to relax or rest. In my everyday life I spend almost 24 hours a day surrounded by sounds, songs and sequencers, so when I’m relaxing what I really want to hear is people talking, debating, so I tend to listen to conventional radio. Maybe, at the end of the day, some chill out sounds to watch the sunset.

Travel Profile: Albert Neve© JP Scenery

SCP: Lastly, when’s the next vacation and where to?

AN: Well, there’s going to be some time before I get my holidays, really. I think I’m now in a very interesting point of my career and I’m dedicating all my resources to this. In any case, facing early 2017, I think I’ll get some days for me, and I’ll travel as far as possible from my dear city. Perhaps Japan would be the destiny … who knows.

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For more on Albert Neve visit his website:

Travel Profile: Albert Neve

About The Writer
SunCity Paradise

By: SunCity Paradise | Published on July 27, 2016

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