Travel Profile: The Anchor
By Sean Ritchie | Published on October 9, 2017
Travel Profile: The Anchor

A five-piece, metal-core band from Denver, Colorado, The Anchor, fronted by Linzey Rae, have made a name for themselves since the viral explosion of their YouTube series, ‘Metal Kitchen’. They pride themselves on making metal-core accessible and fun for people who don’t generally listen to the genre. Ultimately, they create music to help others find a voice of understanding and simply be themselves. Ever focused on creating new music and continuing to build close relationships with their fans, The Anchor is excited to announce their recent signing to Manic Kat Records.

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Sean Ritchie: Let’s start off with your hometown of Denver, Colorado. What really makes it home and special to you? Where would you send a first-time visitor in the city?

Linzey Rae: I think I’m kind of partial, just because I was born here. I just love the state, because it’s my home. But, the thing that I love the most about Colorado is that the weather is really, really great. We get all four seasons here. The mountains are also right there, so if you like skiing or snowboarding you can hit a slop within 30 minutes out of Denver. It was a cool place to grow up, because it’s very outside oriented. As a kid, we were always doing something outside.

The other thing about Denver is it’s super artistic, even outside of the music scene. There’s a huge art district in the city, with a ton of galleries doing shows all the time. They do this thing called the Chalk Art Festival where they close half of downtown. People will then draw these amazing murals throughout the streets — really cool. The music scene is awesome too. It’s a great place to be if you’re an artist.

Travel Profile: The Anchor© Kent Kanouse

SR: That’s interesting that art is so prevalent there. To bring it back a little bit, what was your first exposure to music? How was it introduced into your life?

LR: I was always in the music scene since I was a kid. I did symphonic band, which I think almost everybody did at some point or another; I played flute. I remember being either eight or nine years old and I heard a Joan Jett song. I thought it was so cool. My dad then went out and bought me her CD and I was totally addicted to it. Two months later I stopped playing the flute and started playing guitar. I then played in really terrible bands all throughout middle school and high school.

It’s always just been something that’s been part of my life. My whole family is super music oriented. We all either sing or play an instrument. So, it’s always been kind of around me. What I think really got me into metal the genre was going to a show and just experiencing how the music made people feel, and how it brought people together. That kind of started the whole progression of doing this.

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SR: For sure! To continue the story, how did The Anchor become a band?

LR: So, it started off and I always joke about it, but we all met on Craigslist. Which sounds sketchy, but it’s not nearly as sketchy as it sounds. I had just recently left one of my bands and I wanted to start something new. I bought this cheap $40 bass, found this ad on Craigslist about a band tryouts, and I went. They weren’t actually going to choose me, because I’m pretty terrible at bass. But, they were like, “It would be awesome if we had a chick in the band.” We just have been together ever since.

SR: That’s great to hear. Now, you guys have a bit of news, you just signed with Manic Kat Records. Talk about that signing with the label.

LR: We’re just super pumped, honestly. We’re really excited to have a team behind us to help us grow and get out there. Everybody at Manic has been so nice. They’ve been super welcoming to us. We’re hoping that The Anchor and Manic can grow together, and really establish and develop our brands.

SR: That’s great, congrats! Now, to kind of tie music and travel together, how do the two fit together in your life?

LR: As a band, we go on tour and that’s where the traveling comes in. I think that’s one of the coolest parts about being in a band. You make your music and you do have your online connection with your fans, but when you get to travel to those cities, meet those people and build those connections it’s just super cool. It makes it really real. It’s really important to the growth and overall health of a band.

Travel Profile: The Anchor© Bo Insogna

SR: One of our core objectives at SCP is to bring people together while traveling, not only to influence people to see and appreciate our beautiful world, but to also minimize cross-cultural divides. What effect does traveling, specifically surrounding music, have on humans in this regard? How has it broadened your perspective of the world?

LR: It’s really a feeling that I don’t know how to put into words. We’ve had people drive five or six hours to come see us at a show. They come to us and they share these stories with us. It doesn’t have the same meaning over the internet. To be able to meet these people, actually hear these stories and be able to give them a hug is amazing. Any length that it took to get there doesn’t matter at that point, because everyone’s under one roof feeling connected.

SR: Bringing it into your personal travels a little bit, when you do have some down time and are looking to get away, are you more of a beach kind of person? Looking for the mountains? Or, are you searching for a city somewhere?

LR: That’s so hard! I love the mountains just because I grew up with them. I also love a city though, just because they all are so unique. That was what was so cool about going on a major tour, we got to go to all these cities. There’s these quirky things about all of them that I love. They all have their own customs, cultures and food that they eat. There’s definitely that side of me that wants to see a big city, even though I love Colorado and that side of things.

Travel Profile: The Anchor© Tim Sackton

SR: Everyone has a bucket list. What are three destinations that you haven’t been to, but you want to hit?

LR: I definitely would love to go to Japan at some point. I’ve always wanted to go to Boston. I’ve always wanted to go to Salem and check out the whole witch trails area. That would be cool for me. New York too, I’ve never been there. Hopefully, with Manic Kat Records, we’ll make it over there soon and check out their stomping grounds.

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SR: Lastly, the next couple of months seem busy with the new signing, what does it have in store for you?

LR: We just finished up recording our album, so we’re looking to release that soon. We just have more tour dates coming up and music videos, all that good stuff. We’re just making new music that we’re excited to share with everyone.

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For more on Linzey Rae and The Anchor visit their website:

Travel Profile: The Anchor

About The Writer
Sean Ritchie

By: Sean Ritchie | Published on October 9, 2017

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