Virtual City Tour: Washington D.C.
By Eric Kraljic | Published on August 10, 2016
Virtual City Tour: Washington D.C.

The nation’s capital, Washington D.C., undoubtedly offers some of the most historical and intriguing attractions in the entire country. Ever since this city was first settled in the 18th century, it has been a vital part of American history and culture. As the epicenter of America, there are hundreds of attractions to see, but knowing which one’s to visit is the key. Sure, everyone knows about The White House, Capitol Building and the Washington Monument, but there are other sites to visit that will show you the true identity of the city.

1. Arlington National Cemetery
Located right across the Potomac River, Arlington National Cemetery is the first stop on this tour. Almost entirely composed of American military members, this cemetery dates back to The Civil War and contains approximately 400,000 graves. Two of the most notable aspects of the cemetery include the gravesite of President John F. Kennedy, which is marked with an eternal flame, and The Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. Guarded 24/7 by members of the 3rd U.S. Infantry Regiment, they protect the graves of soldiers from World War I and II, Korea and Vietnam Wars.

Virtual City Tour: Washington D.C.© Beverly & Pack

2. National Mall & Memorial Parks
From the cemetery, take a quick stroll across the Arlington Memorial Bridge and you will arrive at the National Mall and Memorial Parks. The mall is a large open park that is free to access and encompasses some of the cities greatest parks, memorials and monuments. As soon as you cross the bridge, you will reach the Lincoln Memorial and reflecting pool, both prominently featured in American popular culture. There are dozens of memorials within the mall, but the Vietnam Veterans Memorial and Korean War Veterans Memorial are two you cannot miss, as both provide powerful respect to those who lost their lives.

Virtual City Tour: Washington D.C.© Christopher Neugebauer

3. Smithsonian National Air & Space Museum
Also part of the national mall, the Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum, is just a mile north of the Lincoln Memorial. Admission is free and there are numerous exhibits and demonstrations for kids, while also containing plenty of attractions for adults as well. As part of the Smithsonian Museum’s, this is the largest of the 19 as it houses the largest collection of aircraft and spacecraft in the world. Some of its most famous aircraft’s include the Wright Flyer, Apollo 11 Command Module, and The Spirit of St. Louis, all which are critical parts of American history in aviation and space exploration.

Virtual City Tour: Washington D.C.© Mark Fischer

4. Biergarten Haus
After you’ve had your fill of monuments and museums, relax and enjoy the rest of the day at one of the city’s best nightlife spots. Washington D.C. has seen a rise in nightlife entertainment, especially within the beer and food community. As a result, there are numerous beer gardens throughout the city that have given a boost to its nightlife. Biergarten Haus is just a ten-minute car ride from the Smithsonian, and offers plenty of German selections while also hosting weekly events throughout the summer.

#triviatuesday was pretty lit tonight!

A photo posted by Biergarten Haus (@biergartenhaus) on

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Cover photo © Rob Posse

About The Writer
Eric Kraljic

By: Eric Kraljic | Published on August 10, 2016

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