Warped Tour Profile: Ghost Town
By Mike O’Keefe | Published on July 25, 2016
Warped Tour Profile: Ghost Town

Ghost Town is an audio and visual movement ahead of its time; catering to the young generation of today while keeping true to the underground scene they come from. Huge drums (Manny), funky guitar riffs (Alix), and unique vocals (Kevin Ghost), are the main elements that give Ghost Town their sound, along with the artwork of Alistar Dippner, who uses Ghost Town‘s drop dead sounds as inspiration to bring each song to life with his shocking visuals. The energy in their songs is evident in the recordings, but is even more amplified in their live show. Armed with forward thinking and an army of ‘Ghosts’ they are striving to make history.

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Mike O’Keefe: I want to start off the conversation by talking a little bit about where you guys are from and describing your hometown. What would you suggest a first-time visitor to see there?

Ghost Town: One of us is from Philadelphia. If you come [there], go downtown and check out the Liberty Bell — that’s cracked. That’s awesome.

Warped Tour Profile: Ghost Town© Tyler Sprague

MO: Definitely good to keep in mind.

GT: Everybody should go, it’s hype. Then afterwards, go to lunch at Ishkabibble’s. Yeah, have a cheesesteak.

MO: Oh, man. It’s definitely a good city to get some food in.

GT: Then, we have two guys from Palm Springs right here. Palm Springs, born and raised, Southern California, the desert. It’s really hot. It’s like 120 degrees in the summertime a lot of days. Dry heat. You can crack an egg on the street. You can try that.

Warped Tour Profile: Ghost Town© Ian D. Keating

MO: Oh, man. So it must feel good to be out here in the cold and the wind, right?

GT: I’m actually freezing right now, but the cool things to do in Palm Springs are probably walk the strip and take the tram up the mountain. Every Thursday night, there’s a street fair. You can go down and there’s a bunch of local vendors and live music. Good food, tons of people and dogs too. My favorite restaurant is Las Bonitas. If it’s in the summertime and you want to see a whole bunch of bands and people performing, check out Coachella, because it’s right down the street. So, that’s Palm Springs. Boom, boom. You’re now an honorary resident.

MO: Appreciate the welcome guys. Now, was being involved in music something you always wanted to do, or did it happen over time?

GT: Yeah, it was definitely something that we just grew up hearing music. It was always being played in [our] houses. Then the moment I was first able to play a musical instrument, I did. I started with saxophone. Then, I had to play ukulele for a month to first before the guitar, because that’s what we had in the house. I just tuned the first four strings like a guitar and learned as much as I could. I then got a guitar and I haven’t stopped since.


MO: Cool, man. What are three destinations that you haven’t been to, but still want to hit? Could be anywhere in the world.

GT: Australia and Mexico would be awesome.

MO: What about to perform in?

GT: Oh, man. Glasgow, Scotland. We’ve been there, though. This is places we haven’t been. Yeah, I’d like to say Australia or New Zealand, for sure. I think Greenland and Iceland, it would be cool to go there, but definitely South America is a place that we haven’t been. Every band that goes there says nothing but great things about South America.

Warped Tour Profile: Ghost Town© Giuseppe Milo

MO: Great choices! To wrap it up, what’s next for you guys? Are you guys excited for the next stop or what’s coming up?

GT: Yeah, we’re ready to finish up Warped Tour for sure. Then, we have Reading and Leeds coming up. So, we’re ready to go out to the [United Kingdom] and that’s going to be cool.

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For more on Ghost Town and Warped Tour:

Warped Tour Profile

About The Writer
Mike O’Keefe

By: Mike O’Keefe | Published on July 25, 2016

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