Ways to Save Money for Vacation
By Nicole Talercio | Published on July 25, 2015
Ways to Save Money for Vacation

The internet has flung open doors for people across the world, but sometimes, for Americans, the dollar only goes so far abroad. Yet, with mindful spending, and a few simple lifestyle changes, it’s easier than ever for savvy travelers to plan a budgeted trip. Seeing the world doesn’t have to be this luxury-filled excursions either. With hostels, discounted hotel rooms, group rates and a wide range of other money-saving options, it’s possible to see the world for under $50 a day.

Money, as we all unfortunately know, doesn’t grow on trees, and setting aside a couple hundred dollars can seem daunting for the average, working-class person. However, with a little determination, discipline and sacrifice, anyone can cut down their expenses and find a way to pursue their travel dreams. For those that need a little help, here are some ideas that will help make those dreams happen.

1. Workout at home — Money saved: $20-$150/month
This may not be feasible for gym rats who love a wide ranges of workout equipment. On the other hand, for yoga enthusiasts and anyone not trying to be Mr. Universe, working out at home can be equally effective. Yes, most gyms have cut their costs to as little as $20-$30 a month, but when tallied up at the end of the year, it’s about half an airline ticket to Mexico from the United States.

Ways to Save Money for VacationPhoto courtesy | Byron

2. Brown bag it — Money saved: $40-$120/week
Bringing a lunch doesn’t have to mean eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and sipping on a water fountain. There are plenty of delicious, low-cost lunches that anyone can make at home. It takes all of three-minutes to make a hearty and healthy salad jam-packed with vitamins. Meal preparation significantly reduces food spending, and simultaneously encourages healthy eating.

Ways to Save Money for VacationPhoto courtesy | Melissa

3. Coupons — Money saved: $50-$100/month
Coupons have been around for more than seventy years, and in turn have been associated with the classical 1950’s housewife. Drop that stereotype … quick. If five dollars were sitting on the sidewalk, we would all bend down to pick it up. The same goes for coupons. It’s easier than ever, especially in the digital age, to save money with one a click of a button. With a little coupon preparation before walking into a store or supermarket, the savings are sure to add up. When a good deal is found on a freezable item, be sure to stock up for later.

Ways to Save Money for VacationPhoto courtesy | Carol Pyles

4. Staying in — Money saved: your bar bill
A gathering of friends doesn’t always have to mean throwing twenty dollar bills down at the bar and buying endless rounds of drinks. Swapping a bar night for a home-cooked meal with friends can be equally, if not more, fun. Game nights, movie screenings and BYOB BBQ’s are a win-win for everyone.

Ways to Save Money for VacationPhoto courtesy | Joe Utsler

5. Cut out the cable — Money saved: $30-$100/month
At $30, $50 and $100-plus a month, cable TV isn’t exactly cheap. Many people agree that it’s a complete waste of money and hardly use it to the extent they pay. With everyone talking about Netflix, and the emergence of Apple TV, Chromecast and Amazon Fire TV, cable seems like a thing of the past. Most shows are available online now as well, so it’s likely it won’t even be missed.

Ways to Save Money for VacationPhoto courtesy | Schmilblick

About The Writer
Nicole Talercio

By: Nicole Talercio | Published on July 25, 2015

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