Five Cliff Jumping Spots
By Eric Kraljic | Published on August 13, 2016
Five Cliff Jumping Spots

Whether you’re seeking an adrenaline rush or just looking for something new to try out, cliff jumping is an exhilarating way to fulfill your needs. What makes cliff jumping special is that it doesn’t take much to make it a great experience. Taking that last step and jumping down into the water below is a unique adventure not for the faint of heart. Those few seconds where you are rapidly falling are filled with nerves, excitement, and trepidation about hitting the water below. All over the world there are unique cliff jumping spots that truly make it a once-in-a-life-time experience.

1. Rick’s Café, Jamaica
This Caribbean destination is a hotspot not only because of its cliff jumping, but for the surrounding amenities as well. At the time of its founding in 1974, Rick’s Café was just an undeveloped fishing village. Over the last 30 years and counting, it has developed into a leading tourist attraction for its sunsets, cliff jumping, and lively bar located atop the cliff. There are three different levels of cliffs to jump off of, measuring in at 10, 25, and 35 feet.

2. Brontall, Switzerland
In the southern mountainous region of Switzerland, Brontallo is filled with numerous cliffs and pools of water. All of these different cliffs range from small to high which makes for the perfect cliff diving destination, no matter if you are an experienced or amateur cliff jumper. As its situated in the Brontallo Mountain Range, the water is normally ice cold, but is still good to dive into. This cliff diving spot has become a hot commodity in the diving world as it as hosted the European Cliff Diving Contest and World High Diving Federation Championships.

3. The Azure Window, Malta
Perhaps the most fascinating structure to jump off of, The Azure Window is a limestone natural arch located on the Maltese Island in Malta. The window is a breathtaking rock formation combined with an underwater collapsed limestone cave known as the Blue Hole. At its maximum height of 328 feet, the window has become one of the most coveted cliff jumping spots as it’s currently eroding and will collapse sometime in the future.

4. Red Rocks Park, Vermont
While it may not seem that Vermont is home to one of the world’s best cliff jumping spots, this hidden gem is sure worth the visit for experienced cliff jumpers. In Red Rocks Park above Lake Champlain, this 80-foot drop is not for the faint of heart as it can be dangerous for those not accustomed to jumping at this height. Aside from the towering height, the cliffs are extremely narrow, which leaves jumpers in between sharp and jagged rocks on the way down to the frigid depths of Lake Champlain.

5. The Kimberley, Australia
Located in a remote region of Northwest Australia, reaching the cliffs of The Kimberley isn’t easy. If you decide to venture out and trek to the far reaches of Australia, you will find yourself in a beautiful wilderness of mountain ranges and waterfalls. The highest cliff over the Ord River reaches a height of 84 feet, with the water below being extremely deep, culminating in a perfect destination for cliff jumpers.

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Cover photo © Schwede Photography

About The Writer
Eric Kraljic

By: Eric Kraljic | Published on August 13, 2016

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