20 Reasons to Travel
By Amanda Stutz | Published on October 25, 2017
20 Reasons to Travel

Who doesn’t love to “get away” and escape reality at times? This is one of the endless reasons to travel. Traveling helps individuals get a better sense of who they truly are, as well as expose them to the beauties of the world that they were not aware of previously. Traveling relaxes, teaches and inspires people. Most dream of going to various islands and extravagant cruises, but they soon realize that it’s not realistic. However, by creating a travel fund, or planning a trip with a group of friends, crossing off all of the places on your bucket list can be a reality. There are endless reasons to travel and see the world, but here’s 20 to start.

1. Traveling helps relieve stress.
People all need a break from school or work to restore their mental health. It’s sometimes necessary to lie on a beach towel and forget every care in the world. Who needs to be productive 24/7? No one! It usually is difficult for most to relax, as daily life activities are time consuming and require individuals to be on a tight schedule. Traveling helps do the opposite by allowing people to make the most of their day without having a definite plan or places to be.

Travel© Nick Knouse

2. Traveling allows you to learn about different cultures.
Whether you are visiting the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, the Eiffel Tower in France, or the Great Wall of China, there’s something to learn about every landmark in the world. There’s a story behind every monument, museum and cathedral. Cultural competence is important, as it’s essential to learn about different cultures than your own. It makes you more accepting and worldly.

Travel© Ian Robertson

3. Traveling helps you learn new languages.
Maybe you took Spanish in high school for a few years but don’t really remember it. Traveling is your chance to either expand on a language that you briefly learned previously, or pick up a brand new one. You probably won’t learn a language fluently, but you will learn some of the basic phrases, such as “please” and “thank you”. Make it your goal to learn how to say “hello” in at least five different languages when you travel.

Travel© Living Room of the City

4. Traveling allows you to try new food.
America is known for cheeseburgers, hot dogs and non-authentic Italian food. Make it your goal to try a gyro from Greece or cheese from France. Each country has specific recipes that define its culture and its people. Even states or regions around the America eat a variety of different food. Try something new!

Travel© Brianna Laugher

5. Traveling gives you patience.
Of course traveling is a time to unwind, but impatience is a common feeling when a flight gets cancelled or if a train is too crowded. Traveling makes individuals more patient, because why are you going to freak out on a train running late if you have nowhere to be?

Travel© Nikos Roussos

6. Traveling helps you escape the rat race.
Particularly in America and in city-like areas, everyone is always in a rush. People don’t take the time to sit down with their coffee, but rather get a venti from Starbucks as they’re rushing to catch the next train to work. Vacationing in a slower-paced country helps people escape the rat race that is their every day lives. On a vacation, one should not have a strict schedule, but rather enjoy the day without worrying about the time.

Travel© Charles Smith

7. Traveling helps you cross things off your bucket list.
Many people have a bucket list, whether it’s a physical list or in their minds. It could be a road trip across the United States or visit the island of Jamaica, travelers can cross these destinations off that bucket list and say, “Wow! I really did that.” It may have an adverse effect though, as traveling to exotic places can inspire people to add even more places to their bucket list!

Travel© Leonldas Konstantinidis

8. Traveling allows you to document.
Start a journal. Create a scrapbook. In order to remember and appreciate your trip, you can document it and share it with others. Every time you look at a particular journal entry or photograph of your vacation, you’ll get a flashback of your experience and be able to remember it forever.

Travel© Jenn

9. Traveling allows you to spend time with friends and family.
Haven’t you ever wanted to go backpacking across Europe with your closest friends and family? Traveling with friends and family allows us to appreciate the bonds we have with them, as well as experience all of the unknowns of traveling together.

Travel© Justin Patchett

10. Traveling helps you make new friends.
Sometimes, friendships can be made in the most unexpected places. Maybe you’ll find something in common with a stranger in a coffee shop in Amsterdam, or while touring the Louvre Museum in Paris. There are outgoing individuals worldwide, as individuals tend to be friendlier throughout diverse cultures.

Travel© Cody

11. Traveling makes you appreciate what you have at home.
While many people love to travel, getting homesick is probable when away from home for a few weeks. While traveling is exciting and can be spontaneous, there is no place like home. Therefore, traveling allows people to appreciate their friends and family that are at home while they’re away.

Travel© Mariusz Kluzniak

12. Traveling gets you out of your comfort zone.
When people travel the world, they participate in activities that we never thought we would do previously. Perhaps you might visit a country with a colder climate that is very different from where you normally live, such as Sweden or Norway. Or, you might visit a country where the individuals have a lower socioeconomic status, such as India or Ethiopia. Traveling helps you know what our comfort zone is and how you can expand it.

Travel© Christopher

13. Traveling helps make lifelong memories.
The first time flying on an airplane or the first time on a cruise are memories that last a lifetime. These first-time adventures are often nerve-racking and confusing, but they give stories to tell in the future. Make the most of your traveling experience now, so that you can look back 50 years later and smile.

Travel© kansasphoto

14. Traveling allows escape from social media.
Maybe posting a few Snapchat stories of your location is acceptable when you’re in an exotic location. However, social media should not be a main priority! Traveling should be a chance to escape social media, which consumes our daily lives. Use traveling opportunities as a chance to save your battery and monthly data plan. Focus on enjoying your trip, not just exploiting it to the world.

Travel© Jason Howie

15. Traveling helps you get a tan!
You obviously will not get tan if you’re traveling to Alaska or another country that has a cold climate. However, most travelers have a goal of getting tan on an island or a cruise. Soaking up some Vitamin D can never be a bad thing. (Unless you burn easily, then just make sure you packed SPF 100!)

Travel© kansasphoto

16. When traveling, souvenirs can be bought to remember a trip.
One of the best parts of a memorable trip is purchasing some post cards or magnets! Whether these souvenirs are for a friend or for yourself, they’re always fun to buy and give out. Something as simple as a keychain can be a daily reminder of your unforgettable trip.

Travel© Jonathan Cohen

17. Traveling allows stories to be told.
As corny as it may sound, traveling stories can be passed down from generation-to-generation. Your spontaneous experiences can be used to inspire others to get out of their comfort zone. Your trip to South Asia could be the next conversation at the dinner table.

Travel© Brigitte Djajasasmita

18. Traveling is easier than you think.
How often you use the excuse “traveling is too expensive”? While airfare is typically expensive, there are ways to travel within the United States. There are Amtrak trains from New York City that go to places like Washington D.C. and Boston directly, which are clearly much cheaper than taking a trip to another part of the world. Find somewhere different to go that’s within your budget! Then, plan out a grandiose adventure later.

Travel© John H Gray

19. Traveling causes you to rightfully take advantage of your opportunities.
Everyone has the ability to travel the world. It’s up to you what effort you decide to put in. Some people choose to spend their accumulated paychecks on a fancy car or a shopping spree. However, traveling across the globe beats all materialistic things. Take advantage of this opportunity to learn and explore.

Travel© barnyz

20. Traveling allows for endless options.
Traveling is symbolic. People have the ability to choose where life takes them, whether its physically or mentally. Traveling represents the art of risk-taking and the true feeling of freedom. Whether it’s a backpacking trip, a cruise around the Mediterranean or a stay at an exotic island, there’s an infinite amount of choices to make.

Travel© Andy Simonds

About The Writer
Amanda Stutz

By: Amanda Stutz | Published on October 25, 2017

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