Five Most Progressive Countries in the World
By Jacqueline Hanikeh | Published on January 27, 2017
Five Most Progressive Countries in the World

Each and every day, there are people who strive to create a better environment for everyone in their community. Plans and ideas that will benefit their surroundings and soon produce a greater and brighter future. Around the world, there are countries who are stepping up their game and are changing their laws, rules and other rights for the well-being of their citizens. These current generations aren’t similar and equal to how life was in the past — therefore, alterations occur. These are the top five countries in the world who are becoming more progressive for their future.

1. Finland
At the highest on the list, Finland is on top of their responsibilities and plans that will help keep their people feeling comfortable and acquire more favorable circumstances. Their top three most focused concerns revolve around basic human needs, foundations of well-being and opportunities. The country want the citizens to feel important and live pleasantly without any rules and laws hindering their freedom. Finland’s nutrition and medical care is at their top best as well as possessing basic knowledge and personal rights. Outlining structures and ideas for the head in the government, business and civil society will lead to larger advantages for the country.

Progressive Countries in the World © Miguel Virkkunen Carvalho

2. Canada
At second comes Canada, a nation that has also released the Social Progress Index in 2016 that follows the roots of basic human needs, opportunities and foundations of wellbeing. It’s to view the data and balance out the countries environmental and social needs for their citizens. Canada is well known for their social welfare policies and personal rights, tolerance and education — they are ranked as first in Access to Advanced Education. However, at a lower rank, some citizens find it difficult in searching for affordable housing. Waste water treatment and greenhouse gas emissions also are effecting their environmental factors.

Progressive Countries in the World © Nick Kenrick

3. Denmark
Known as the happiest country on earth, it’s no wonder Denmark made it on the list as one of the most progressive countries. Their citizens usually receive free medical care, because of their universal health care system employment. Not to mention their higher education is free as well. Denmark’s leading industries involve food processing, tourism and manufacturing iron, steel and machinery. Their economy is all based on the flexicurity model — allowing businesses to establish inexpensively and quickly while there are oversights regarding terminations and work hours.

Progressive Countries in the World © james j8246

4. Australia
In 2015, Australia had released the Social Progress Index. For their personal rights, they are near the highest on the list — including freedom of speech, freedom of movement and political rights. It is shown that the country is motivated to allow their citizens to gain many advantages and never leaving their opinions out. They also reach the top for health and wellness; keeping the people at the peak of their health. For a great score on their health and wellness, it is possible that Australians’ have a high life expectancy. Yet steering towards housing, it is true that they lack in proper electrical supplies and affordability in housing.

Progressive Countries in the World © Bernard Spragg. NZ

5. Switzerland
As for the fifth on the list, Switzerland released the Social Progress Index in 2016. The country is ranked the highest in social progress for their high water and sanitation facilities. Their adult literacy and safety are high as well which shows how low their violent crimes occur — leaving the country as a safe environment. Just like many other countries, their housing is ranked low for affordability. Reflecting global challenges, freedom of speech/religion and tolerance of immigrants affect their ranking.

Progressive Countries in the World © Pedro Szekely

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Cover photo © Lenny K Photography

About The Writer
Jacqueline Hanikeh

By: Jacqueline Hanikeh | Published on January 27, 2017

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