Tips for keeping a travel journal
By Sara Catherine Lichon | Published on August 21, 2018
Tips for keeping a travel journal

When preparing for a trip, your packing list will probably include clothes, chargers, money, your passport … but, there’s something else you should make sure to pack: a journal. Keeping a journal while you travel is a great way to make memories and reflect on your adventures. Whether you’re visiting another country, state, or town, you’re bound to witness and experience new things that are worth documenting. Writing in a journal can help your brain process all you’ve done, and later you can look back through your journal and relive your travels. If you’re looking to keep a journal while traveling, check out these tips!

Always carry your journal with you
When I studied abroad, I made sure to always keep my journal and a pen in my bag. You never know when you may have downtime to write in it or when inspiration will hit you. Traveling on the train, eating lunch in a café, or camping at the top of a mountain – anywhere is a good place to take a moment to reflect. It’s also great to write when an experience is fresh in your mind. If you see or experience something you want to write about, jot a few notes down and flesh out the details later.

Tips for keeping a travel journal© Becca Fritschle

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Have conversations with locals
One of the most interesting and fun ways to learn about a new place is to talk to someone who’s familiar with the area. Striking up a conversation with someone on the area’s best kept secrets and what it’s like to live there is a valuable experience that will open your eyes to new perspectives and raise your awareness of things to do that may not have been on your radar. And of course, it gives you something to write about and reflect on. Additionally, it’s always great to make new friends and connections, even if they’re across the world!

Write everyday – even if you’re tired!
Never skip a day of writing, as tempting as it may be! Even if you’ve had a fully-packed day and are ready to hit the sack, spend a few extra minutes to write down your thoughts. As mentioned earlier, the adventures of your day will be fresh in your mind and writing it all down is a great way to unwind and process things before going to bed. If you wait until the next day, you might forget some exciting details. You’ll also thank yourself later for documenting every day spent traveling when you look back through your old entries.

Tips for keeping a travel journal© Glenn Strong

Don’t be afraid to take risks
Writing happens quickly when you have something exciting to write about – if you had an amazing day, you’ll be writing it down so fast your hand may cramp! To get the most out of your travels, taking risks pays off. Whether you choose to climb a mountain or try a new food is up to you; the risk doesn’t have to be too outrageous, as long as you are trying something you may never have thought of doing before. These kinds of memories will be among the best from your travels and will be exciting to relive when you read your journal later.

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Have fun!
This is the most important tip of them all. At the end of the day, what you write about and what you do while traveling is up to you. To make the most out of your travels, take advantage of the opportunities that excite you the most and make the memories you want to make. This will not only make your travels worthwhile but will also make writing about your experiences easy and enjoyable. Keeping a journal while traveling can help you make the most out of your journey and be as fun as the trip itself!

Tips for keeping a travel journal© Sara Catherine Lichon

About The Writer
Sara Catherine Lichon

By: Sara Catherine Lichon | Published on August 21, 2018

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