Travel Profile: Dusty Kid
By SunCity Paradise | Published on December 8, 2015
Travel Profile: Dusty Kid

Born Paolo Alberto Lodde, Dusty Kid developed his love for music, initially for piano and violin, at an early age, transitioning to electronic music later on, growing a great passion for the compositional freedom electronic music provides. Continuing with his early start, he released his debut single “I Found A Reason” on Lowered Recordings at age 19. A few years later, in 2004 Dusty Kid had a huge year, creating the Duoteque project with DJ Andrea Ferlin, while releasing numerous EP’s on Boxer Recordings. His tracks caught fire on the decks of some of the biggest DJ’s in the world, including Richie Hawtin, Tiefschwarz, Ricardo Villalobos, Domenic Eulberg, Sven Vath and Magda.

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SunCity Paradise: Coming from Cagliari, Italy, a beautiful coastal city on Sardinia, describe the city’s beauty. What about it means “home”? Where would you suggest a first-time visitor to go after the beach?

Dusty Kid: Cagliari is such a unique city, for so many reasons. First of all, its climate, it is gently warm for most of the year, in fact we never have snow, if [it does it’s] occasionally, like every 10 years it snows for like five minutes only! 90 percent of the days in Cagliari are fully sunny as it rains very rarely, and although this makes people happy, it has also the downside: the drought. But, I love this aspect too! The city is quite small, about 250,000 residents which makes it easy to get around, not much traffic here and not many noises, it’s very quiet. So, I would definitely suggest visitors to see the town as a first place after the beach!

Travel Profile: Dusty KidPhoto courtesy | Sella Del Diavolo

SCP: Was traveling and seeing the world part of your inspiration to become a DJ? Has seeing the world amplified the fulfillment of your career?

DK: Well, to be honest it was not part of my plans. I wanted to become an electronic composer and make a living from my music. I never wanted to become a DJ and travel the world much. When everything started it immediately became a very inspiring life for me, traveling everywhere and meeting so many different countries and cultures is always very interesting. I felt very lucky to be part of a life like that, but eventually turned into a bigger love and attachment for Sardinia. I’ve never been a big traveler in fact, but in the end I can say I’ve seen a lot in the last ten years and I’m so thankful for that!

SCP: How are music and travel intertwined?

DK: Traveling opens our horizons geographically, while music pushes horizons even further away where space is unlimited.


SCP: When searching for a personal getaway, are you searching more for a serene beach or after a more active, adventurous getaway?

DK: I am definitely into a more serene beach!

SCP: One of our core objectives is to bring people together while traveling, not only to influence people to see and appreciate our beautiful world, but to also minimize cross-cultural divides. What effect does traveling, specifically surrounding dance music, have on humans in this regard? How has it broadened your perspective of the world?

DK: I think it is really interesting to see how music and cultures develop differently in relation of the country, and the best combo is having one affecting the other. Think about Latin rhythms or Mongolian chants, or even traditional Japanese music, everything is so different and so well connected to the place is coming from, and having the chance to meet many of them when traveling opens humans minds completely.

travel_profile_dusty_kid_viennaPhoto courtesy | Roderick Eime

SCP: You have upcoming shows throughout France from early December to February, with an appearance in Vienna, Austria. What appeals to you about both countries?

DK: Both have beautiful crowd and very nice clubs, and I really love French wines and food!

SCP: If you had to choose the most picturesque place you’ve played at, what would it be? Describe the scenery a little bit.

DK: Iceland, one of the most beautiful countries I’ve ever been to. I just love it, people are so nice and so mentally open and receptive. The land is so peculiar for so many aspects, anywhere you look everything is magical, amazingly-wild landscapes. When you are in Reykjavik you feel like you’re at the boarders of the world, it’s so small but so culturally active. I can’t wait to go back there one day!

Travel Profile: Dusty KidPhoto courtesy | Chris Rider

SCP: Describe your perfect vacation. Where would you go? With who? What would you be doing?

DK: When my friends ask me where I would like to go for vacation they know well it won’t be outside Sardinia. Although it’s just an island, it has so many places I haven’t seen yet that I want to. So the perfect vacation would be certainly here with my friends, anytime from March until September, eating local food and discovering cultural diversities from area-to-area.

SCP: Everyone has a list of places that they haven’t seen yet, but want to. What are some of the places you can’t wait to hit? Why?

DK: Thailand for instance, I have an obsession for its food and its warm, wet weather and some beaches there are amazing. Also, Vietnam and Finland attract me a lot although very different from each other, and I always dreamt a journey throughout the famous US Route 66, but I still have to find the right person to share my truck with!

Travel Profile: Dusty Kid

SCP: Lastly, when’s the next vacation and where to?

DK: Carloforte, West Sardinia in two weeks!

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For more on Dusty Kid find him on Facebook:

Travel Profile: Dusty Kid

About The Writer
SunCity Paradise

By: SunCity Paradise | Published on December 8, 2015

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