Travel Profile: Yung6ix
By Christopher Remmers | Published on October 30, 2016
Travel Profile: Yung6ix

Yung6ix was born Onome Onokokwomo, in the heartland of Southern Nigeria. Though born in a very fortunate household, he embraced the streets of Warri, Delta State, and was raised by music. His latest release, “Billionaire Ambitions” EP, dropped this past February to rave reviews.

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Chris Rremmers: Let’s start by telling our readers a little bit about where you’re from in Nigeria. What does traveling on a whole mean to you?

Yung6ix: I’m from Nigeria’s Southside region. I have been to a couple of places mostly around Nigeria and Africa. I’ve seen a lot of cultures and different aspects of life here. I like going to different places, experiencing different music in [those] environments. That’s how I draw my energy really, it’s through making music.

Travel Profile: Yung6ix© Heinrich Böll-Stiftung

CR: So, it’s safe to say that music and travel, for you, are universal? Somewhat hand-in-hand?

Y6: Going through all these experiences in different places has helped me a lot. You get to meet different people. You get to see different aspects of cultures, and be around people who think in different ways than myself. That helps me especially when I’m making music. It helps me to express myself, because [I] already know how people expect the music that they like to sound.

CR: I think that’s a wonderful outlook on life. What a way to draw energy and inspiration from the things around you. Now, having been to a lot of places around Africa, what’s one destination that tops the list?

Y6: I would say definitely Johannesburg, South Africa. I think that that was my favorite. Everything was well structured. I have been there for several music award ceremonies. It was just an amazing place to be. I enjoyed all the people there. The city was amazing, and it had some of the best food I’ve ever eaten.

Travel Profile: Yung6ix© Daniel Manners

CR: Bringing it back to your music, at what age did you realize that all of this was your dream? Was it early on, or did it evolve over time?

Y6: To be honest, I didn’t even realize how far I’d gone into becoming an artist until the cover of one of my underground songs went mainstream. That’s when I really noticed a change around me. That was it [after that]. I wanted to pursue music. I found my passion in life. So, I set out to make this dream a reality. In my early days I started listening to people like 2Pac, Biggie and Coolio, but at that time for me it was just listening to music. It wasn’t anything serious.

I became part of a band in secondary school, playing the drums, but I always got bored with what they had me playing. So, I’d go home and just be listening to my hip-hop albums, drumming to some of those beats. From there I started making my own raps eventually, really starting to make music. I started with just changing lines with things I could relate to. Then from there I started to learn how to make songs, and how to produce as well.

CR: That’s remarkable! Have you had the chance to bring your talents to the United States yet?

Y6: I have not been to the US yet, but it’s something I’m really looking forward to doing.


CR: What are you excited to see or do when you touch down in the states for the first time?

Y6: I defiantly want to fly into ATL — Atlanta, Georgia. I think I have the most followers in ATL than any other part of America. I get a lot of positive social-media feedback there. I actually have been contacted to play at several places in ATL, but with my schedule, I haven’t had the chance yet. Hopefully, I’ll be able to get something popping there really soon.

CR: Where are some of the other places in the rest of the world that you are excited to visit? Whether it be to preform or a personal vacation.

Y6: Right now, I’m really excited about my Australian and European tour. I’m excited to visit all of these different places. Then next year we’re having the biggest performance Nigeria has ever had, because I am the biggest artist from Southside Nigeria. I’m always looking forward to the performances, because that is the most exciting part of every city. I always want to get that energy from the crowed, and figure out what the people are going to be like. One of the best feelings you could ever get is going out there and listening to the entire crowd sing your songs, turnt up heavy. Then, even after you’ve given them the songs you came there to give, they still want more. It’s just this incredible feeling unlike anything else I’ve ever experienced.

Travel Profile: Yung6ix© Charlie Stinchcomb

CR: I can only imagine! So, to wrap this up, where are three destinations in the world you would visit if you could leave tomorrow?

Y6: I would honestly say the United States is defiantly number one. Then, China and Paris. I really want to see China, because I know about the opportunity for mass production there. I have a decent fan base there too. The Eiffel Tower is just incredibly beautiful from the pictures I’ve seen. It would be amazing to get to see such a historic landmark in person.

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For more on Yung6ix find his “Billionaire Ambitions” EP on iTunes:

Travel Profile: Yung6ix

About The Writer
Christopher Remmers

By: Christopher Remmers | Published on October 30, 2016

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