Video: Paragliding Around the World
By SunCity Paradise | Published on November 14, 2017
Video: Paragliding Around the World

To many, suspended thousands of feet in the air underneath fabric attached by cables connected to a harness seems like a nightmare. Paragliding may not be the go-to activity for people with fears of heights or flying, but it is a wonderfully-unique way to see the world. Paragliders can travel up to a couple hundreds of miles in a single flight, but for those new to the sport it’s more along the lines of five-to-10 miles at most. There’s no need to worry about operation during the first flights either, beginners ride in tandem with a professional, until there’s enough experience under their belts. One of it’s driving attractions is it’s a sport that translates anywhere, both in cold and warm climates, from the Swiss Alps to the beaches of Rio de Janeiro, and everywhere in between. Few have captured the sport like Outside TV has in the video below, so we’ll let them take it from here.

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About The Writer
SunCity Paradise

By: SunCity Paradise | Published on November 14, 2017

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