Five Amsterdam Sights
By Dong Seong Lyu | Published on August 21, 2017
Five Amsterdam Sights

Whether you’re looking to find it’s historical connections or just trying to enjoy the sights of the city, Amsterdam can be a great place to discover amazing things. The capital of the Netherlands is a prime example of tourism and entertainment, as it’s one of the premier tourism stops in Europe. With open doors that welcome diversity, there’s a wealth of experiences to be had around the streets of Amsterdam.

1. Canal Cruise
Known as the “City of Canals“, visitors from around the world can tour the city by bus or by foot too, but the canals are the most intimate and unique ways to see the city. Cruise tours are offered throughout, so it won’t be hard to find one right for you. These cruises can cater to families seeking to create magical memories together, as well as couples looking for a romantic evening with a candle-lit dinner.

five-amsterdam-canal© Syuqor7

2. The Rijksmuseum
Fans of Dutch artists such as Rembrant and Vermeer, famously known for the contrasting shades of lightness and darnkess in their paintings, will rejoice at the Rijksmuseum. With the most recent renovations completed in 2013, the museum offers an in-depth look at Rembrandt’s life and masterpieces. Dedicated to educating its guests about the history behind the artwork, the Rijksmuseum allows visitors to uncover the influences of great artists such as Jozef Israëls.

3. The Anne Frank House
Several years after emigrating to the Netherlands with her family, Anne Frank moved into the Secret Annex where she found solace in her personal diary. Only to be discovered years after the war was over, the diary provides a personal account of the atrocities that took place. The Anne Frank House is dedicated to the memory of Anne Frank and those who suffered from Nazi persecution. Inside the Netherland’s third most popular museum, the secret hiding place is well preserved and an exhibition is entirely dedicated to detailing the life of Anne Frank. The museum functions as a reminder that the past must always be remembered if the future is what we ultimately seek.

five-amsterdam-anne-frank© Abir Anwar

4. Van Gogh Museum
Despite the critics who undervalued the work of Van Gogh, modern day society celebrates the artist’s pieces at the Van Gogh Museum. As the inspiration for hundreds of artists throughout history, Van Gogh has earned recognition among art enthusiasts and non-patrons alike. Since 1973, the museum has been welcoming visitors to appreciate the intricacy of not only Van Gogh’s art, but also his contemporaries such as Édouard Manet, Claude Monet and Georges Seurat.

five-amsterdam-van-gogh© Minke Wagenaar

5. The Royal Theater Carré
The Royal Theater Carre, constructed in 1887, initially functioned as a permanent circus building. When German circus director Oscar Carré brought musical theater to the Netherlands in 1956 with the opera Porgy and Bess, the building became a venue for much more. Today, the Royal Theater Carré hosts musicals, cabaret performances and other concerts. Although renovations in 2004 updated to accommodate modern day needs, patrons can still experience the authentic beauty of the historical façade.

About The Writer
Dong Seong Lyu

By: Dong Seong Lyu | Published on August 21, 2017

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