Travel Profile: Adana Twins
By SunCity Paradise | Published on January 21, 2016
Travel Profile: Adana Twins

Straight out of “Hamburg house city”, Adana Twins helped secure their home’s reputation for deep grooves with a series of early EPs that have made them among the most buzz-worthy acts to emerge from the German media capital. Placing repeatedly in the pole position on both Resident Advisor and Beatport charts, the duo of Take It Easy and Friso have found their way into the record bags and Traktor set-ups of the world’s top DJs, while comfortably establishing their own sound where sleek beats and clever sampling are only a small piece of a bigger musical vision that began to form during a previous era.

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SunCity Paradise: Coming from Hamburg, Germany, describe some of the city’s beauty. Where would you suggest a first-time visitor go and see?

Adana Twins: No one should miss a walk along the harbor. It’s beautiful, especially at night. Try to get on the industrial side of the river through the old Elbe Tunnel. The View from that side at night time is just amazing. Of course if you are at the harbor, you should take a short boat trip. Additionally, a visit to a musical is always nice. But now let’s get to the important part: the nightlife. You should start with a proper dinner. We would recommend The Juwelier in the “Weidenallee.” It’s cosy, has a good vibe and delicious food.

After that you should try some bars. Our recommendations for the tasteful and relaxed kind of bar are Kleines Phi, Boiler Man Bar or Walrus. The drinks at these places are really good, creative and made with love. If you care less about the drinks and are focused more on music, you could try Thier. They always have really cool underground DJs spinning there. After the right warm up, you should go to one (or all) of our favorite clubs: Golden Pudel, Baalsaal, Villa Nova, Golem, and Übel & Gefährlich.

Travel Profile: Adana TwinsPhoto courtesy | Robert Schwenzer

SCP: Was traveling and seeing the world part of your inspiration to become DJ’s? How has it broadened your horizons?

AT: Of course, when traveling a lot you see so many different things that inspire you in many ways, especially creatively. By now we have seen almost every part of the world and the process is becoming automatic. You absorb all of the different things you see and experience when you’re traveling, both consciously and subconsciously. Not only music but also culture: how the people live, the effects of their history, politics and religion, and the vibe of their communities.

SCP: How are music and travel intertwined? How wonderful is it to combine the two?

AT: It’s pretty wonderful, but also stressful at the same time. Traveling itself is the worst part. But as soon as you arrive at your destination, the dream of life comes true every time: seeing the world and making music in the best and most renowned clubs. Fantastic!


SCP: When searching for a personal getaway, are you searching more for a serene beach or are you after a more adventurous retreat? Why?

AT: It depends. Some we prefer chill stuff like sightseeing. But if we have more time we definitely love to do activities. Snorkeling, hiking, running, boating, action adventures and whatever else the region offers at the moment when you are there. And damn, we love to do street food tours. It’s the best way to explore a city. Good food and seeing places where you normally wouldn’t go.

SCP: Describe an ideal day of vacation. What would the activities consist of and with whom?

AT: Snorkeling and a big market with culinary food.

Travel Profile: Adana Twins

SCP: One of our core objectives at SCP is to bring people together while traveling, not only to influence people to see and appreciate our beautiful world, but to also minimize cross-cultural divides. What effect does traveling, specifically surrounding dance music, have on humans in this regard? How has it broadened your perspective of the world?

AT: Dance music brings people together and we are fortunate to have the opportunity to experience the many dance scenes around the world. We’re always surprised at the different kind of people from all over the world we meet in the clubs where we play. And, all with the same goal: to have a good time together, no matter where they come from.

Travel Profile: Adana Twins

SCP: If you had to choose the most picturesque place you’ve played at, what would it be? Describe the scenery a little bit.

AT: It was probably in the massive city of Jakarta on the roof of a skyscraper. The view was just mind-blowing. Just extreme colors and no end in sight.

SCP: Everyone has a list of places that they haven’t seen yet, but want to. What are some of the places you can’t wait to hit? Why?

AT: Definitely South Africa. We have heard only good things and we can’t wait to see the nature out there. Hopefully that will happen this year!

Travel Profile: Adana TwinsPhoto courtesy | Warren Rohner

SCP: Most destinations have a festival that they’re known for, whether it’s Mardi Gras in New Orleans or Oktoberfest in Munich. Which one would you chose to attend? Why?

AT: Carnival in Rio de Janeiro looks incredible. Sun, fun, Samba Music, tons of cool costumes and people that love to party. How can you go wrong?

SCP: Lastly, when’s the next vacation and where to?

Benni: I plan to take it easy. In March I will go with my girlfriend to Seoul and Bali. Seoul is a wonderful city with style and a lot of good food. Last time we went we had such a great time. Bali is my favorite place to chill. I plan to go into the jungle, disconnect from Internet, enjoy some good vegan food and detox. Perfect!

Travel Profile: Adana TwinsPhoto courtesy | Matthias Ripp

Friso: For my next trip I’ll be going “down under”. We have a tour there and I have the possibility to stay for two more weeks. I get to stay in Melbourne again. I love that city: great restaurants, bars & clubs. And, of course, I am also really looking forward to the sun and all the beaches. Right now it’s so cold in Germany.

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For more on Adana Twins visit their website:

Travel Profile: Adana Twins

About The Writer
SunCity Paradise

By: SunCity Paradise | Published on January 21, 2016

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