Video: The Longest Way — A Walk Through China
By SunCity Paradise | Published on December 29, 2015
Video: The Longest Way — A Walk Through China

26.2 miles — a marathon’s distance. A distance half of us would fall over and pass out after walking. A distance people train months for to finish while jogging, not Christoph Rehage. It’s a distance he conquered 106.7 times over a year and a half through China. Rehage walked a total of 2796.17 miles (4,500 kilometers) soaking in the culture of a destination in the most up-close-and-personal way. It’s not a way most will see the world, but it’s one that anyone who travels can admire. Walking through the same streets as the locals do daily make you feel as one. Enjoy Christoph’s photo-a-day journey.

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For more on Christoph Rehage visit his website.

About The Writer
SunCity Paradise

By: SunCity Paradise | Published on December 29, 2015

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